Find out about life in Zug get to meet new people
A series of information and meet ups to learn about life in Zug with other new arrivals
Each week presents a different theme about life in Zug.
Hosted by an FMZ consultant who will provide the information and answers to questions. Learn, share experiences and meet new people.
Drop in for one evening or join every week.
Free but registration is required.
Group size: min. 6, max. 15
Wednesday 18:00 -19:30
22.10.2025 - Security - with Zug Police
29.10.2025 - Cultural understanding / Housing & neighbours
05.11.2025 - Healthcare
12.11.2025 - Finance & insurance
19.11.2025 - Zug Library Vault tour
(topics may change)
Free of charge - but please register due to limited spaces
Online or in person: FMZ, Chamerstrasse 50, 6300 Zug
Fachstelle Migration Zug, Chamerstrasse 50, 6300 Zug (1st floor)